Lundi d’Orgue asbl
Notre-Dame du Finistère
Rue du Pont Neuf, 45
1000 Bruxelles
+32 2 217 52 52
Number of company
BE 0898 466 557
Number of bank account
IBAN : BE98 0003 2572 5693
Chaque lundi de l’année, de 13h à 13h45, sauf les Lundis de Pâques et de Pentecôte.
Lundi d’Orgue was born following the inauguration concerts in the church of Notre-Dame du Finistère in May 2000.
Hippolyte Loret constructed the organ in 1856 and the Manufacture d’orgue Thomas of Ster-Francorchamps restored it with Jean Ferrard as the directeur of restauration.
Every Monday at 1 o'clock p.m. to 1:45, throughout the year with the exception of Easter Monday and Pentecost Monday, the church's organists Momoyo Kokubu and Xavier Deprez, an invited organist, or our organ scholar will play an organ recital or a chamber music concert (with choir or soloist).
Aline Vanpel, president
Momoyo Kokubu, Xavier Deprez, administrators
Anne van ver Vaeren, Els Ral, Yulika Deprez, Geneviève Nokerman, Gaëtane Noël, Joost Vander Auwera, members,
Free admission to the concerts.
You can support the activity of concerts following this account number:
IBAN BE98 0003 2572 5693 BPOTBEB1 with the mention: donation for the activities of Organ on Monday.